A Love Letter to My Students (My 5 Year Reflection)
I think about how lucky I am everyday. I can’t think of any other profession that allows you to grow your family in a more a massive way than being an educator. I am so grateful for y’all, you have no idea. I have taught for 5 years in many different capacities and every single one of you has impacted me in some way shape or form. I have learned an incredible amount - about you, about me, about what it means to feel true and real unconditional love, about how to be an educator, and how to build human connection. Thank you for being who you are and opening your heart and mind to me. Thank you for giving me the honor of expanding your mind if only for 2.5 seconds. Thank you for loving me despite all of my flaws. Thank you for always seeing the best in me. Y’all are literally my biggest support system, fan base, and loudest cheerleaders. I am eternally grateful.
“I did not expect to feel this love and be loved this much in return when I made the decision to become a teacher.”
I have relied on your love to get me through some real, painful, difficult times. I have relied on your love to fill holes in my heart and to build happiness like I have never experienced. The peace I feel by just being in your presence is unmatched. When you or others ask me about having my own kids and I tell you I already have hundreds, I mean that. It upsets me when people say there’s nothing like the love of your own child and don’t count y’all as my children. Because you are. Point blank. I will literally care for your soul and well being for the rest of your life and mine.
I did not expect to feel this love and be loved this much in return when I made the decision to become a teacher. No one warned me about the happiness and joy that would fill my heart just from being in your presence. People talk about the impact they make on kids all the time and that’s cool and all - but the greatest impact I’ve experienced in these five years has been the impact of your unconditional love on me. You might not know this, but you’re the reason I never truly feel alone. I can’t express how grateful I am. I save every nice thing you’ve ever written, drawn, or given me. I have enough evidence of your love to last me an entire lifetime.
These past five years as a teacher have literally been the best five years of my life. I have never felt more loved and fulfilled. I have also never felt more anxiety, fear, and heartache because your problems become mine and your pain also mine and I care for every fiber of who you are. You will always have my ear to listen, my shoulder to cry on, my embrace when you need some love and an interactive soundboard if you need to bounce off some ideas. Your resilience has given me hope. Your strength is beautiful to watch and I am amazed every day at what you’re able to endure. Watching you grow is one of my favorite things to do ever. Seeing you win at anything - a game, a new job, college, starting a family - fills my heart with happiness I can’t even describe. You deserve the world.
People always ask me about the love y’all have for me and I can’t stress how simple it has been for me. Treat kids like the humans they are - care for every part of who they are - give that love in order to receive it. Thank you for teaching me that - I love you.
Miss Bedir