T e a c h e r s

Teaching While Muslim Teaching While Muslim

Selective Activism in Public Education

Though I would like to think the event was a “success,” in that we eventually ran the information session, the hostility in the workplace remains. Unfortunately, there are many teachers that are still pushing their own biased views onto students. They are not censored or scrutinized to the same degree I am, and that proves how much progress is yet to be made. In short, it has become abundantly clear that only selected teachers are being censored, and only selective topics are encouraged for students to discuss. Despite this, I believe there are still incredible teachers out there who commit themselves to learning the truth and teaching all sides to these important issues. It is a difficult time for a lot of Arabs and Muslims right now, but it is having teacher allies, and incredible students like the ones I have the honor of teaching, that keep me going.

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Teaching While Muslim Teaching While Muslim

Bringing Ramadan into the Classroom

Maybe you’re looking to start your own Ramadan traditions in your class? Or, maybe you’re an educator looking for a way to make your classroom more inclusive or a parent hoping to teach your child’s teacher and class about Ramadan? You’ve come to the right place. Check out the list of books, activities, and articles below to help you share what Ramadan is all about with your school.

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Teaching While Muslim Teaching While Muslim

Al Nakba 72 Years

History teacher in Maryland, Abeer Shinnawi, shares her reflections on the 72 years of Nakba and teaching about Palestine.

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