T e a c h e r s
He Sees You When You're Sleeping, He Knows When You're Awake
It is not safe to be Black in this country. We know that. It is not safe to be Muslim in this country. We know that, too.
Spoken Word Expression Part 1
I recently introduced slam poetry to my students in order for them to have an outlet to express themselves and have a chance to compete locally and nationally.
The Paradox of Urban School Education
Urban education is a discourse. In an effort to describe it, I realize my own limitations and the essential paradox underlying this task.
“Why are you in charge of the Black Lives Matter Club? You’re not even Black.”
The Mask of Ambiguity
It’s a weight when you know with almost complete certainty that you are probably the only Muslim and Arab teacher they have ever had. I know everyone has their biases, including my students.
The Impact of Having a Muslim Teacher
I work in an urban district with an overwhelmingly Latinx and Christian student body. For most of my students, I am the first woman who wears hijab that they have ever interacted with.
Teaching While Muslim
Teaching While Muslim is not intended to be a limited space for just our voices, but as Muslims continue to be vulnerable in the United States, we found it necessary to seek a space to call our own.